Ąžuolynas (Oakwood Park)
Alma: It is very nice to remember how people would gather in the Oakwood Park. In summer, it was full of people. Even though there were no normal paths in there back then. Some would play the harmonica or guitar. Everyone would gather in groups or families to spend some time in nature. It is also very pleasant to remember Song Festivals. The songs used to fly all around the Oakwood Park.
Elvyra: The Oakwood Park is a magical place, some sort of place of attraction. Ice-rinks have been made in the place, where you can now see the tennis courts. In summers, film screenings would take place. When I was a young woman, I went there to watch films. I remember well The Hunchback of Notre Dame with Gina Lollobrigida. Moreover, a sculpture with girls in the park was the meeting place for me and my friends.