Paradas 11 07 Janonio Vienybes a. Kaune apie 1950 m cropped


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1933 / 1937

Ice-rinks of the Temporary Capital

Roberto: When ice hockey was the most popular winter sport in Kaunas, the teams of Kauno Jachtclubas, LFLS and Makabi had their own ice-rinks.

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Monument for Maironis

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"Paveikslinė" Picture Gallery

D.B.: Even though that for most residents of Kaunas, Picture Gallery seems as located in a Bermuda triangle, to me it has probably become a symbolic place, where I made the decision about my profession.

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Interviu su R.Viedrynaiiu. yd ligonin

Jewish Hospital

Rimantas Viedrynaitis: “I was born in Kaunas, the Jewish Hospital.

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Judita zaidzia su nuotraukomis2


Judita: ”I had many photos in the ghetto house.

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Café at Artists' House

Greta: If someone asked which place of student life is the dearest to me, I would say that it's Artists' House.

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Garden reconstruction of war museum

kki ledo ciuozykla
1956 / 1961

Ice-rink in Žaliakalnis

The ice rink in front of the State Institute of Physical Education was a favourite place for the youth of Žaliakalnis

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Konstantinas: “My childhood passed here, about 80 years ago.

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Didysis ir mažasis ąžuolynas

Lolita: "Gimiau ir augau Kauko alėjoje (kai gimiau, ji tuo metu dar vadinosi S.

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1990 / 2000

Partizanų street

Street, yard, house. I still remember where a turn should be taken in order to find myself next to the nine-store house, which was my most favourite place in my childhood.

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Ramybės park (Kaunas Old Cemetery)

Menininko Gyčio Dovydaičio dokumentinis filmas-reportažas apie Kaunas 2022 organizuoto Istorijų festivalio 2019 centrą – Ramybės parką (Kauno senąsias kapines) – ir jo kaimynystėje gyvenačius kauniečius.

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The Zoo

Kęstutis: "We were living at Gričiupio Street, where the current KTU student campus is located.

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Oakwood Park

Memories about Oakwood Park by people of Kaunas.

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1945 / 1998

Cinema in Šančiai

Gintaras Vitulskis: After the war, when the wooden cinema Lyra (Lyre) burned to the ground, and Taika (Peace) cinema theatre had not been built yet, the Methodist church was nationalized and turned into a cinema theatre.

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Miesto sodas (City Garden)

Lili Kristina Vaičekauskaitė-Čepauskienė (2014): We would often play in Miesto Sodas.

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Rotušės square

Fruma: "My first childhood memories connected to Kaunas are very warm.

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Robertas Antinis about Laisvės avenue and its people (video)

Sculptor Robertas Antinis sharing his memories about  people of Laisvės avenue and Kaunas (2014).

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Nauja Romuva

Romuva cinema

Vitalijus: I remember Romuva from my childhood.

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1962 Jonas N

Lions of the War Museum

Jonas: “At the beginning of July 1962 and after graduating the 1st High School of Ukmergė (now the High School of Jonas Basanavičius), My classmate Vytautas Juknys and I, Jonas Navikas, arrived at Kaunas for the first time (!).

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