Interviu su R.Viedrynaiiu. yd ligonin

Jewish Hospital

Rimantas Viedrynaitis: “I was born in Kaunas, the Jewish Hospital.

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1956 Arunas Alesius pusbrolis Vytautas pussesere Laimute ir seuo Ruta

Lions of the War Museum and Meteorai band

Arūnas: “I spent my childhood and youth in Kaunas.

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Juozas Naujalis Music Gymnasium

Raimonda Pauzienė (51): [In Juozas Naujalis Music School] everyone was trained to be a musician.

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tarnausku seima sventinis pasiplaukiojimas nemunu

Bridge for Vytautas Magnus

1 photographPovilas (first to the right) and Vandas (second to the left), Tarnauskas, restaurant "Versalis" shareholders, festive visit to Nemunas.

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tarnausku seima vienybes aikste

Family in front of War Museum

1 photographPovilas and Vanda Tarnauskai, shareholders of the restaurant Versalis, with their daughter at the War Museum .

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Lions of the War Museum

Lili Kristina Vaičekauskaitė-Čepauskienė (2014): Everyone on the same lion !

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Namai Laisves alejoje

A house in Laisvės Alėja

Alvydas Vaitkevičius: I am sending several photos by a famous photographer from the Soviet times, Stanislovas Lukošius which he gave me before he passed away.

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Monument for Maironis

Paradas 11 07 Janonio Vienybes a. Kaune apie 1950 m

Parade in Janonio (Vienybės) Square

Alvydas Vaitkevičius: I found this picture at booksellers next to Merkurijus without any inscriptions or signs...

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DSC 9048

Miesto Sodas (City Garden) during the Soviet times

Arkadijus Vinokuras (member of the "Company"): We were proud of Kaunas, and the situation of Lithuania hurt us, so a lot of us would carry a litas coin featuring Duke Vytautas from the Smetona times.

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