
Demokratų (Democrats) Square

Dobrė: “The action was held in November 1941: at 6 pm we were lined up.

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Laisvės Ave. 3

Asija: “When the family got too big, we received a room in Laisvės Ave.

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Ramybės (Serenity) Park

Asija: ”A protest happened in Ramybės (Serenity) Park, after which it was decided to remove the cemetery located in the park.

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Asija: “The most important place for me was the Sobor.

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Laisvės Ave.

Asija: “In the evenings, Laisvės Avenue was full of people.

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Judita zaidzia su nuotraukomis2


Judita: ”I had many photos in the ghetto house.

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Senamiesčio turgus

Judita: "When I was young I used to live with my custodian in M.

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Laisvės Alėja (Freedom Ave.)

Aleksandra: “I lived just next to Laisvės Alėja.

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Lions of the War Museum

Žilvinas: “My brother and I, we are twins.

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Edita 1963 m erzina liutus

Lions of the War Museum

Rimantas: “This photo of my daughter Edita is taken in 1963, when she was 3.5-years-old.

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